God Save The Queen Bee

Willow & Thorn are supporting The Bee Cause in helping to save Britain's Bees. Throughout the month of April we will be giving away a packet of bee friendly wildflower seeds with every flower delivery.


As you may have heard, Britain's Bees are at risk of becoming extinct. Bees are vital to wildlife, plants and crops. Without bees, the entire food chain as we know it is under threat, and the full impact of losing British bees could be devastating.

So far, 20 bee species in Britain have already become extinct, and 35 more UK bee species are on the red list of threatened species. There are many theories about why this has happened. Pesticides and insecticides used in intensive farming have been blamed, as have parasites like the varroa mite, but a very important cause is a reduction in flower-rich habitats for the bees to visit. Huge areas have been lost in the last 80 years, including 98% of wildflower meadows.


Our aim is to help reverse the decline in bee population by growing the vauable wildflowers that bees love to feed on. It couldn't be easier, just thinly scatter the seeds over the area where you want to grow them, cover them with a thin layer of soil, keep them watered and watch them grow... et voilĂ  you'll be doing your bit in helping to secure the future of British Bees!

20 things you need to know about bees.